

 Innovation costs A LOT - of thought.  Not necessarily money. 

 We call this "Thought Capital".  And it is one of our most precious     resources.  

 Our Experience informs our Performance. Your Investment. You.

 We create special places where people want to be that result in superior risk adjusted 

 returns for our investors, satisfied customers & residents and vibrant neighborhoods.  





                                                                 The humble light switch.  The one on the left  costs about

                                                                                about 75 cents more than the one on the right.  For a mid

                                                                                sized apartment community the difference in total cost is

                                                                                around $5,000 between the two.  But it totally changes

                                                                                the vibe of a room.  It's cost?  3/10 of 1/10 of one cent/s.f. 

                                                                                in rent.  It will drive a very small rent increase - one penny.

                                                                                That's a 300% return on cost and $200K increase in value.     

                                                                                It's about the details...


                                                                                                                                                     P I N D Ʌ R


 P      I      N      D      Ʌ      R